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Gold Package Sponsor


March 2024
February 2025
Sponsorship Cost: 
£ 10,000

Benefits of Sponsorship for Birmingham Lions Women's Team: Gold, Silver, and Bronze Packages

Gold Package:

  1. Maximum Brand Exposure: As a Gold sponsor, your company's logo will be prominently displayed on all Birmingham Lions Women's team jerseys, ensuring maximum visibility during games, events, and promotional activities. This level of branding offers unparalleled exposure to our extensive fan base and social media following.
  2. Exclusive Recognition: Your company will receive exclusive recognition as a Gold sponsor, positioning your brand as a leader and supporter of women's sports. This level of sponsorship demonstrates a significant commitment to our team's success and fosters a strong, long-term partnership between your company and Birmingham Lions Women's program.
  3. Branded Travel Gear: Your investment in the Gold package includes the purchase of company-branded travel gear for all players and coaches. This not only enhances team cohesion and morale but also ensures that your brand is showcased at every game, official event, and public appearance.
  4. Management Presentations: As a Gold sponsor, your company will have the opportunity to participate in management presentations focused on topics such as success in male-dominated environments and coaching strategies in sports and management. These presentations offer valuable insights and networking opportunities for your company's leadership team.

Overall, whether your company chooses the Gold, Silver, or Bronze package, sponsoring Birmingham Lions Women's team provides a unique opportunity to align your brand with a premier sports organization, engage with the community, and make a meaningful impact on the future of women's sports.

  • Benefits include:
  • Maximum Brand Exposure

  • Exclusive Recognition

  • Branded Travel Gear

  • Management Presentations